Beta Patch 0.0.7

Beta Patch 0.0.7

Changed Glooth Bandit and Brigand's damage to proper values and added correct elemental resistances.
Added cleaning of depot floor every 15min to remove clutter.
Shields quest now give ilvl 215 items instead of 170.
Increased the damage of Tidecaller's spells & increased defenses
Changed the rewards on 2 beginner Tasks as they were unbalanced compared to others.

Elementalist & Trickster Formula fix
Elementalist formula fix, Just to make it actually comparable vs other classes.
Reduced Global Cooldown on many spells.
Great Deathcleave's damage was decreased by 10%.

The following Elementalist Spells got their formula adjusted to scale better with magic level, wand fighting and level. So the general damage from Elementalist should be a lot more than.
Great Arcane Barrage's damage was increased by 10%.
Fiery Sky's damage was increased by 10%.
Gattling Bolt's damage was increased by 10%.
Ultimate Icestorm's damage was increased by 10%.
Ultimate Icestorm was dealing fire damage instead of ice.
Ultimate Firestorm's damage was increased by 10%.
Wrath of Ashura's damage was increased by 15%.
Stone Wave's damage increased by 15%.

New Spawn Molten Brownie's.
New Task Molten Brownie's.
Added creature product Churro Heart to Yasir for 490gp.
Added creature product Milk Chocolate coin to Yasir for 120 gp.

Added the following 20 mounts to the client & server:
Vile Dog
Demonic Slave Cart
Black Armored Bull
White Armored Bull
Brown Armored Bull
Spirit of Purity
Doom Skull
Magma Skull
Corpsefire Skull
Mystic Jaguar
Dawnbringer Pegasus
Skybreaker Pegasus
Glacier Wyrm
Bog Tyrant
Crimson Fang